Ana Torres

Hello My name is Ana Torres, and I have Multiple Sclerosis from age of 25 years old. I always had a dream as a child, I would read my mothers Harlequin books and wanted to be a writer. I did write my own stories. I was 13 years old. Today, I am 42 years old and I am very close to be an author. Even though I have already written stories and has been submitted, I still will say I am a writer but with on my way to be an author. I am an online college student for University of Phoenix. On-line college some may think it is easy. Well let me tell you, that is untrue. You have to teach yourself the materials and learn from your classmates and from the teacher if you can get a hold of them. Depending what classes you will take. It can be hard or easy. With me having MS I have to work extra hard. Since starting last year August 2010 to now I have kept my GPA at 3.13 sometimes higher. I never did that well in high school . For those who are reading this and are in high school or in college. I say keep it as it was your life, do well, do your assignments on time. You may not think you will need the class, be patience you will have the class. Takes time for you to get to the one you are truly there for. I asking for help, not expecting anyone to help but if you can so I can continue my education.
I found out writing was, what I really wanted to do. During my waiting I found what I am good at, and was in front of me all along. Since as a child, I could of done this long ago. Inside myself I am an author, I do have one accepted, published date that is unsure. Writing to me is a break from my MS pain. I lose my self in my stories. Always writing with a happy ending. But not all books can have a happy ending. So far the ones I have written are happy ending, having it end in a happy way brings the book to life as if you can see it played out in your mind. I really hope to have my books that I have written come to life to share to readers as you are reading this about me. I don't give up, and I will never surrender in my goals. My goal is to be a writer, known and have accreditation from my books. To give courage to those with a disability that it is not the end. Make use of your time, find a hobby, or like me find writing and lose yourself to it. Find something to give you a reason to keep going every day. I am part of the family of even if you are a poet, write short stories, children books, m/m, f/f and other types of writing it is always growing. So great books have come out from there, and I have been welcomed with open arms.
I do have a facebook page the is the link. I do also have : but that is for now. I am working on a blog. I will be adding a page with some of my work, in just pieces just enough to get you to want to read more.
When I am not writing I am spending time with my family, my husband, my sons, my granddaughter (5mons) and I am happy. At times I have my moments good and bad. People with MS are different, we all share in common is the title " I have MS", but everyone is different. Read my funny page, sometimes I feel like what is written there. I don't believe no more in giving up. Because you can always say if you fail, you tried. I worked a lot of years and I never thought I would be disabled at 32. Now ten years later, I am still disabled since MS has no cure. Just injection and pills that are just a band-aid. I take a lot of pills a day 22-26, depending on how I feel. But my pills are just that a band-aid. When I was on the injections, I had bad side effects and was in the hospital 3 -5 times a week, I was a regular at the ER. But when I took myself off them. I felt better in time without them. Now 5 yrs, not one problem, no blood transfusion, no overnight stays and no ER. Last time I been the hospital was just to have regular check up. My pills I have are mostly vitamins. (Vit-D, Vit-b12,Iron,fish oil,Vit-k calcium pills,then my rx pills.)
I just feel better not taking heavy duty pills, but will take them if I have a reminder now and then I do get them. They do remind me, at the wrong times ..the last one was recent. It woke me up and it felt like a jab of million daggers stabbing my right leg and having those "Charley Horses". Man I wonder where that name came from because, it is sure no nice. Pulling and tugging on your muscle and if you turn or move wrong it gets worse. I have it middle of the night and I had to take Oxy (class 2 Rx) to help me pass out. I never wish, nobody to have MS and if you get it. Get informed by your Doctor and others who are like you. Not from someone who don't know how you truly feel inside.
It is why it is different for everyone. I hope there will be a cure in my lifetime, but for me it would be too late, the damage inside me has been done. To my brain, my MRI shows I have water in my brain, that explains why I forget. But reading and writing helps me. A lot.
I know one day, I may not be able to do what I am doing now. But while I can. You will remember my name. I am leaving my mark in writing, in reading any way I can. If I make money, heck that is a plus, my SSDI is less than 900/mon who can survive on that. Not I, everything around me is going up and not coming down, while my pay stays the same. If I hit the lotto, I will still write, and read books. I am doing this for me, for my health, and because I love what I do. Money comes and goes, we need it yes. I just want my trip in writing to be a pleasurable one for me and for my readers. If I can change one thing. That would be my Dam Car... it is a money pit and it where any extra money I or my husband has goes.*** Don't buy used cars***. They are money pits unless you are a mechanic.. then maybe you are safe, maybe but foreign cars are expensive for parts and labor.
Merry Christmas to all.
Holidays are here and need some help. If you can help me out. I hate asking but my only income is SSDI and that is spent before I get it. I hope I can count on some help no matter the size of donation. When I get my work published I will keep your name and email to send you a free copy, if it is a book or e-book.
Thank you.
Wishing you all a great holiday season.
I found out writing was, what I really wanted to do. During my waiting I found what I am good at, and was in front of me all along. Since as a child, I could of done this long ago. Inside myself I am an author, I do have one accepted, published date that is unsure. Writing to me is a break from my MS pain. I lose my self in my stories. Always writing with a happy ending. But not all books can have a happy ending. So far the ones I have written are happy ending, having it end in a happy way brings the book to life as if you can see it played out in your mind. I really hope to have my books that I have written come to life to share to readers as you are reading this about me. I don't give up, and I will never surrender in my goals. My goal is to be a writer, known and have accreditation from my books. To give courage to those with a disability that it is not the end. Make use of your time, find a hobby, or like me find writing and lose yourself to it. Find something to give you a reason to keep going every day. I am part of the family of even if you are a poet, write short stories, children books, m/m, f/f and other types of writing it is always growing. So great books have come out from there, and I have been welcomed with open arms.
I do have a facebook page the is the link. I do also have : but that is for now. I am working on a blog. I will be adding a page with some of my work, in just pieces just enough to get you to want to read more.
When I am not writing I am spending time with my family, my husband, my sons, my granddaughter (5mons) and I am happy. At times I have my moments good and bad. People with MS are different, we all share in common is the title " I have MS", but everyone is different. Read my funny page, sometimes I feel like what is written there. I don't believe no more in giving up. Because you can always say if you fail, you tried. I worked a lot of years and I never thought I would be disabled at 32. Now ten years later, I am still disabled since MS has no cure. Just injection and pills that are just a band-aid. I take a lot of pills a day 22-26, depending on how I feel. But my pills are just that a band-aid. When I was on the injections, I had bad side effects and was in the hospital 3 -5 times a week, I was a regular at the ER. But when I took myself off them. I felt better in time without them. Now 5 yrs, not one problem, no blood transfusion, no overnight stays and no ER. Last time I been the hospital was just to have regular check up. My pills I have are mostly vitamins. (Vit-D, Vit-b12,Iron,fish oil,Vit-k calcium pills,then my rx pills.)
I just feel better not taking heavy duty pills, but will take them if I have a reminder now and then I do get them. They do remind me, at the wrong times ..the last one was recent. It woke me up and it felt like a jab of million daggers stabbing my right leg and having those "Charley Horses". Man I wonder where that name came from because, it is sure no nice. Pulling and tugging on your muscle and if you turn or move wrong it gets worse. I have it middle of the night and I had to take Oxy (class 2 Rx) to help me pass out. I never wish, nobody to have MS and if you get it. Get informed by your Doctor and others who are like you. Not from someone who don't know how you truly feel inside.
It is why it is different for everyone. I hope there will be a cure in my lifetime, but for me it would be too late, the damage inside me has been done. To my brain, my MRI shows I have water in my brain, that explains why I forget. But reading and writing helps me. A lot.
I know one day, I may not be able to do what I am doing now. But while I can. You will remember my name. I am leaving my mark in writing, in reading any way I can. If I make money, heck that is a plus, my SSDI is less than 900/mon who can survive on that. Not I, everything around me is going up and not coming down, while my pay stays the same. If I hit the lotto, I will still write, and read books. I am doing this for me, for my health, and because I love what I do. Money comes and goes, we need it yes. I just want my trip in writing to be a pleasurable one for me and for my readers. If I can change one thing. That would be my Dam Car... it is a money pit and it where any extra money I or my husband has goes.*** Don't buy used cars***. They are money pits unless you are a mechanic.. then maybe you are safe, maybe but foreign cars are expensive for parts and labor.
Merry Christmas to all.
Holidays are here and need some help. If you can help me out. I hate asking but my only income is SSDI and that is spent before I get it. I hope I can count on some help no matter the size of donation. When I get my work published I will keep your name and email to send you a free copy, if it is a book or e-book.
Thank you.
Wishing you all a great holiday season.